
Mayu | Mayu-Harness - OSCLeash

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Mayu | Mayu-Harness - OSCLeash

6 ratings

The Mayu-Harness, With OSCLeash support built in!

(clothing, avatar is not included with this package)

Avatar can be purchased here: Azukitiger Gumroad
OSC tool/program is not included can be downloaded and installed from here: OSCLeash
For a complete look with the harness, check out my Mayu Head Strap here!: Mayu-HeadStrap

Package contains

  • Unity Package, Mayu-Harness
    • OSCLeash support!
    • AudioLink support!
  • Textures (pre-crunched to 1024). Base maps that's included are 4096 px
  • Substance Painter File (.spp)
  • FBX with Blendshapes: Matched to the Mayu (Body shapes)
  • Fits both male and female with and without clothing (original clothing that comes with the avatar)



  • With VRCFury
    1. Import the Mayu-Harness package
    2. Drag and drop the prefab onto your avatar
      • Change the material/textures/toggles to your liking
    3. Playtest the avatar with Gesture manager
    4. Upload to VRChat!
    5. Download the OSCLeash tool, run the msi config and launch the program
    6. Enable OSC in the vrc radial menu
    7. In game, toggle the OSC sender in "Clothes/Harness/Leash/Enable leash OSC"
    8. Enjoy the harness!

VRCFury attaches the Mayu-Harness, merges the necessary FX layer for the toggles and creates a menu for you (Clothes/Harness)

Check out the Official Mayu Discord for more help with modifying the avatar!

Official Mayu Discord


Things you are ALLOWED to do:

  • Edit the asset for personal use (for example put the asset on a different avatar or model)
  • Upload this asset with public/clonable versions of an avatar in VRChat or any other plattform
  • Use this asset for personal VTubing and or Streaming
  • Sell and commission custom textures for this asset (both parties needs to own the asset)

Things you are NOT ALLOWED to do:

  • Give away, Sell or redistribute this asset in any way
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✨ You'll recieve the unity package, blend file, texture maps and substance file ✨

Material slots
Texture Memory
8.52 MiB
Mesh Memory
3.87 MiB
12.4 MiB
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